
Bile acids,gut microbiota,and therapeutic insights in hepatocellular carcinoma

摘要 Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is a prevalent and aggressive liver malignancy.The interplay between bile acids(BAs)and the gut microbiota has emerged as a critical factor in HCC development and progression.Under normal conditions,BA metabolism is tightly regulated through a bidirectional interplay between gut microorganisms and BAs.The gut microbiota plays a critical role in BA metabolism,and BAs are endogenous signaling molecules that help maintain liver and intestinal homeostasis.Of note,dysbiotic changes in the gut microbiota during pathogenesis and cancer development can disrupt BA homeostasis,thereby leading to liver inflammation and fibrosis,and ultimately contributing to HCC development.Therefore,understanding the intricate interplay between BAs and the gut microbiota is crucial for elucidating the mechanisms underlying hepatocarcinogenesis.In this review,we comprehensively explore the roles and functions of BA metabolism,with a focus on the interactions between BAs and gut microorganisms in HCC.Additionally,therapeutic strategies targeting BA metabolism and the gut microbiota are discussed,including the use of BA agonists/antagonists,probiotic/prebiotic and dietary interventions,fecal microbiota transplantation,and engineered bacteria.In summary,understanding the complex BA-microbiota crosstalk can provide valuable insights into HCC development and facilitate the development of innovative therapeutic approaches for liver malignancy.
出处 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期144-162,共19页 癌症生物学与医学(英文版)
基金 supported by Fujian Provincial Natural Science(2020J01122587) National Natural Science Foundation of China(82103355,82102255,and 82222901) RGC Theme-based Research Scheme(T12-703/19-R) Research grants Council-General Research Fund(14117422 and 14117123)。
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