

Formulation of Antrodia camphorata Culture Medium Incorporated with Pseudostellaria heterophylla By-product
摘要 【目的】有效利用太子参根须副产物资源,提高樟芝(Antrodia camphorata)菌丝产量,促进活性成分合成。【方法】以太子参根须(粉末)作为培养基组分,Plackett-Burman试验筛选影响樟芝菌丝生长的关键成分,正交试验优化培养基组成。【结果】筛选试验结果表明,葡萄糖、酵母粉、蛋白胨及KH2PO4对樟芝菌丝生长有重要影响,正交试验优化的培养基组成为:太子参6 g·L^(−1),葡萄糖10 g·L^(−1),酵母粉4 g·L^(−1),蛋白胨6 g·L^(−1),KH_(2)PO_(4)1.5g·L^(−1)。利用优化培养基深层发酵,樟芝生物量达到4.73 g·L^(−1),与对照培养基及PDB培养基相比,胞内三萜含量分别提高2.75%和24.85%,胞外多糖分别提高161.11%和113.64%;发酵液中高密度无性孢子含量达1.8×10^(7)个·mL^(-1)。【结论】太子参适合作为樟芝双向液体发酵的药性成分,可有效促进樟芝菌丝生长、活性成分合成和无性孢子形成,是太子参根须副产物资源利用新途径。 【Objective】To utilize a Pseudostellaria heterophylla by-product for increasing Antrodia camphorata yield and bio-effectiveness,formulation of a culture medium was optimized.【Methods】Powder of P.heterophylla fine roots was included in formulating a medium to maximize the mycelial growth of A.camphorata by a Plackett-Burman orthogonal experimental design.【Results】In addition to 6 g·L^(−1) of P.heterophylla powder,the medium was optimized to contain the ingredients critical to the mushroom growth,which included glucose 10 g·L^(−1),yeast extract 4 g·L^(−1),peptone 6 g·L^(−1),and KH_(2)PO_(4)1.5 g·L^(−1).The A.camphorata culture on the formulated medium produced 4.73 g·L^(−1) biomass,which yielded 2.75%more intracellular triterpenoids than control and 24.85%more than PDB medium,and 161.11%more exopolysaccharides than control and 113.64%more than PDB medium.The fermentation broth also contained a high asexual spore at a density of 1.8×10^(7) spores·mL^(−1).【Conclusion】P.heterophylla root powder could plausibly be added to the medium for A.camphorate culture as it promoted the mycelial growth,bioactive constituents yield,and asexual spore production of the mushroom.
作者 赵生月 吴小环 姜春玲 张余 郑世仲 刘盛荣 叶祖云 ZHAO Shengyue;WU Xiaohuan;JIANG Chunling;ZHANG Yu;ZHENG Shizhong;LIU Shengrong;YE Zuyun(College of Pharmacy,Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Fuzhou,Fujian 350122,China;Research Center of Fujian Province Characteristic Medicinal Plants,Ningde,Fujian 352100,China;College of Life Science,Ningde Normal University,Ningde,Fujian 352100,China;College of Food Science,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350002,China)
出处 《福建农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期75-82,共8页 Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 福建省科技厅对外合作项目(2021I0046) 福建省科技计划高校产学合作项目(2021N5005) 宁德师范学院科研项目(2022ZX01)。
关键词 樟芝 太子参 正交试验 培养基优化 活性成分 Antrodia camphorata Pseudostellaria heterophylla orthogonal experiment medium formulation bioactive composition
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