

Integrated platform for micro-vibration simulation and active-passive vibration isolation
摘要 针对遥感卫星地面微振动实验的复杂要求,设计了一种同时具备微振动模拟与主被动隔振功能的一体化微振动实验平台,并对该平台的主、被动隔振性能以及微振动模拟效果分别进行了仿真分析和实验测试。其中,被动隔振由气浮支撑实现,主动隔振采用主动阻尼方法抑制共振峰,微振动模拟采用基于线性系统频响函数的控制策略。实验结果表明,平台前六阶的模态频率分布均小于10 Hz,被动隔振系统能大幅抑制10~200 Hz频段内的地面微振动;主动隔振能够实现14 dB的隔振系统共振峰衰减效果。微振动模拟功能能够有效产生接近星上的单频和多频真实扰动线谱,在特定频谱的扰动模拟实验中,幅值最大误差为5.9%,在误差允许范围内。该多功能一体化实验平台的各项功能均能满足地面模拟实验需求。 To meet the stringent micro-vibration experiment requirements for remote sensing satellites on the ground,a comprehensive experimental platform has been developed.This platform integrates micro‑vibration simulation with both active and passive vibration isolation capabilities.It evaluates the active and passive vibration isolation effectiveness and the micro‑vibration simulation's impact separately.Passive isolation is achieved through air-floating support,while active isolation employs an active damping technique.A control strategy based on the linear system's frequency response function is utilized for micro-vibration simulation.The results indicate that the platform's first six modal frequencies are below 10 Hz.The pas‑sive isolation system effectively reduces ground micro-vibrations within the 10-200 Hz range,and the ac-tive isolation system attenuates the vibration isolation system's resonance peak by 14 dB.The micro-vibra-tion simulation can accurately produce single and multi-frequency disturbances that closely mimic actual satellite conditions.During specific spectrum simulation experiments,the maximum amplitude error was 5.90%,which falls within the acceptable error margin.This versatile integrated experimental platform ful-fills all the experimental requirements.
作者 秦超 周洪海 贺帅 徐振邦 朱赫 QIN Chao;ZHOU Honghai;HE Shuai;XU Zhenbang;ZHU He(Changchun Institute of Optics,Fine Mechanics and Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130033,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Key Laboratory of On-orbit Manufacturing and Integration for Space Optics System,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130033,China)
出处 《光学精密工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期694-703,共10页 Optics and Precision Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(No.62235018)。
关键词 微振动实验 有限元分析 主动隔振 被动隔振 微振动模拟 micro-vibration experiment finite element analysis active vibration isolation passive vibra-tion isolation micro-vibration simulation
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