

The use Effect of Fully Biodegradable Plastic Film in Different Regions of Hunan Province and Its Impact on the Growth of Different Fruits and Vegetables
摘要 针对塑料地膜使用造成土壤环境污染的问题,研究以白色/黑色全生物降解地膜和普通塑料地膜为参试材料,在湖南省长沙市、沅江市、汉寿县等地区开展了西瓜、莴苣、秋葵等作物的覆膜试验,探究全生物降解地膜对不同作物的生长、品质、产量及土壤性质等指标的影响,观察全生物降解地膜的降解情况。结果发现,两种全生物降解地膜对湖南各地区果蔬生产均起到提质增效的作用。沅江地区黑色降解地膜覆盖栽培西瓜,西瓜单瓜重增加25.8%,叶片数增加45.5%,显著高于未覆膜处理;覆盖白色降解地膜的秋葵叶片长度比对照高42.1%,叶片宽度比对照高55.9%,叶片数增加43.2%,产量增加55.5%。普通塑料地膜在作物收获后未能降解,白色和黑色全生物降解地膜的降解率分别为80.3%~90.7%和63.0%~80.3%。综合不同地区的试验结果,认为两种降解地膜均可作为普通塑料地膜的潜在替代品,具有较大的推广前景。 Bast and leaf fiber crops are important characteristic cash crops and provide industrial materials for high-quality textile,food,forage,medicine and biomaterials.It is of great significance to enhancing science and technology innovation of bast and leaf fiber crops for promoting the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.For the undertaken functions of bast and leaf fiber crops industry in the new 24 development stage,the present study summarized the major progresses in the science and technology innovation of the crops,analyzed the new challenges faced by the development of bast and leaf fiber crops industry,and proposed the key tasks of industry technological innovation in combination with the research and development trend of emerging technologies.We suggested that modern biological breeding methods should be applied in germplasm and breeding researches;new planting spaces should be expanded for the crops in marginal land affected by salt,drought,waterlogging,contamination and others;the productivity should be improved by green transformation of the whole industrial chain;and advanced biomaterials should be innovated for increasing the added value of products and empowering food security and effective supply of important agricultural products.
作者 陈坤梅 喻春明 王晓飞 陈继康 高钢 赵亿嘉 周大鹏 朱爱国 陈平 CHEN Kunmei;YU Chunming;WANG Xiaofei;CHEN Jikang;GAO Gang;ZHAO Yijia;ZHOU Dapeng;ZHU Aiguo;CHEN Ping(Institute of Bast Fiber Crops,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Changsha 410221,Hunan,China;National Nanfan Research Institute(Sanya),Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Sanya 572024,Hainan,China)
出处 《中国麻业科学》 2024年第1期24-31,46,共9页 Plant Fiber Sciences in China
基金 中国农业科学院科技创新工程(CAAS-ASTIP-2022-IBFC04) 三亚中国农业科学院国家南繁研究院南繁专项(ZDXM2306) 湖南省棉花轻简栽培技术创新集成项目2023。
关键词 全生物降解地膜 果蔬生长 田间调查 降解率 fully biodegradable plastic film growth of fruit and vegetable field investigation degradation rate
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