

On the Right of Choice Originating from the Clearing-type Property-for-debt Agreements
摘要 《合同编通则解释》第27条规定的“债务履行期限届满后所达成的以物抵债协议”属于“清偿型以物抵债协议”。该条在总结司法实践经验的基础上,围绕对债权人的保护,将以物抵债协议规定为诺成合同,确立了清偿型以物抵债协议生效后新旧债并存的规则。在解释当事人之间达成的以物抵债协议时,应当采取两步走的方式:第一步是确定当事人是否有以新债代替旧债的合意,第二步是在不能确定合同发生变更时,出现新旧债并存的局面。在新旧债并存时,该条并未明确债务人的选择权,但该条规定与民法典第515条选择之债的规定是一致的,该条规定内容可以解释为在新旧债并存时,债务人享有选择权。同时,该条也确认了,在债务人不履行新债务时债权人的选择规则,并与民法典第515条规定保持了一致。债务人不履行新债时债权人有选择权。债权人一旦行使选择权,债务人就应当履行相应的债务。通过选择权的行使将使选择之债变成简单之债。 Article 27 of the Interpretation of the General Provisions of Contract Part in the Civil Code prescribes that agreements reached after the expiration of the performance period for property-for-debt agreements belong to "clearing-type agreements".Based on the summary of judicial practice and focusing on the protection of creditors,this article defines property-for-debt agreements as concluded consensual contracts and establishes the rule of coexistence of old and new debts after the effectiveness of clearing-type agreements.When interpreting property-for-debt agreements,a two-step approach should be adopted:the first step is to determine whether the parties agree to replace the old debt with a new one,and the second step is to address the coexistence of old and new debts when the contract change cannot be determined.In cases of coexistence of old and new debts,Article 27 does not explicitly address the debtor's right of choice.However,the article is consistent with Article 515 of the Civil Code regarding the selection of debts.Article 27 can be interpreted to mean that the debtor has the right of choice when old and new debts coexist.At the same time,Article 27 also confirms the creditor's selection rules when the debtor fails to satisfy the new debt,which is consistent with the provisions of Article 515.Creditor has a choice when debtor does not fulfill new debt.Once the creditor exercises the right of choice,the debtor must fulfill the corresponding debt.The exercise of the right of choice will transform the selected debt into a simple debt.
作者 王利明 Wang Liming
出处 《东方法学》 北大核心 2024年第2期151-162,共12页 Oriental Law
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“我国民法典实施中的重大疑难问题研究”(项目批准号:23&ZD152)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 清偿型以物抵债协议 诺成合同 选择之债 选择权的行使 合同编通则解释 合同法 clearing-type property-for-debt agreement consensual agreement alternate obligations exercise of choice interpretation concerning the application of Title One General Provisions of Book Three Contracts of the Civil Code contract law
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