
miR‑423 sponged by lncRNA NORHA inhibits granulosa cell apoptosis

摘要 Background Atresia and degeneration,a follicular developmental fate that reduces female fertility and is triggered by granulosa cell(GC)apoptosis,have been induced by dozens of miRNAs.Here,we report a miRNA,miR-423,that inhibits the initiation of follicular atresia(FA),and early apoptosis of GCs.Results We showed that miR-423 was down-regulated during sow FA,and its levels in follicles were negatively correlated with the GC density and the P4/E2 ratio in the follicular fluid in vivo.The in vitro gain-of-function experiments revealed that miR-423 suppresses cell apoptosis,especially early apoptosis in GCs.Mechanically speaking,the miR-423 targets and interacts with the 3’-UTR of the porcine SMAD7 gene,which encodes an apoptosis-inducing factor in GCs,and represses its expression and pro-apoptotic function.Interestingly,FA and the GC apoptosis-related lncRNA NORHA was demonstrated as a ceRNA of miR-423.Additionally,we showed that a single base deletion/insertion in the miR-423 promoter is significantly associated with the number of stillbirths(NSB)trait of sows.Conclusion These results demonstrate that miR-423 is a small molecule for inhibiting FA initiation and GC early apoptosis,suggesting that treating with miR-423 may be a novel approach for inhibiting FA initiation and improving female fertility.
出处 《Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期632-644,共13页 畜牧与生物技术杂志(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Key R&D Program of China(2022YFD1600903) the National Natural Science Foundation of China(32072693) the College Students’Innovative Entrepreneurial Training Plan Program(202110307028).
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