
In vivo pilot study into superficial microcirculatory characteristics of colorectal adenomas using novel high-resolution magnifying endoscopy with blue laser imaging

摘要 BACKGROUND No studies have yet been conducted on changes in microcirculatory hemody-namics of colorectal adenomas in vivo under endoscopy.The microcirculation of the colorectal adenoma could be observed in vivo by a novel high-resolution magnification endoscopy with blue laser imaging(BLI),thus providing a new insight into the microcirculation of early colon tumors.AIM To observe the superficial microcirculation of colorectal adenomas using the novel magnifying colonoscope with BLI and quantitatively analyzed the changes in hemodynamic parameters.METHODS From October 2019 to January 2020,11 patients were screened for colon adenomas with the novel high-resolution magnification endoscope with BLI.Video images were recorded and processed with Adobe Premiere,Adobe Photoshop and Image-pro Plus software.Four microcirculation parameters:Microcirculation vessel density(MVD),mean vessel width(MVW)with width standard deviation(WSD),and blood flow velocity(BFV),were calculated for adenomas and the surrounding normal mucosa.RESULTS A total of 16 adenomas were identified.Compared with the normal surrounding mucosa,the superficial vessel density in the adenomas was decreased(MVD:0.95±0.18 vs 1.17±0.28μm/μm2,P<0.05).MVW(5.11±1.19 vs 4.16±0.76μm,P<0.05)and WSD(11.94±3.44 vs 9.04±3.74,P<0.05)were both increased.BFV slowed in the adenomas(709.74±213.28 vs 1256.51±383.31μm/s,P<0.05).CONCLUSION The novel high-resolution magnification endoscope with BLI can be used for in vivo study of adenoma superficial microcirculation.Superficial vessel density was decreased,more irregular,with slower blood flow.
出处 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy》 2024年第4期206-213,共8页 世界胃肠内镜杂志(英文版)(电子版)
基金 This study was approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of Beijing Tsinghua Changgung Hospital(20002-0-02).
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