

Efficacy and Safety of Clearing Heat Resolving Phlegm Traditional Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of Premature Ventricular Contraction with Phlegm-fire Disturbing Heart Syndrome: a Meta-analysis
摘要 目的:系统评价清热化痰类中药治疗痰火扰心型室性期前收缩的疗效及安全性。方法:检索中国知网(CNKI)、维普数据库(VIP)、万方数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)、PubMed、Web of Science及the Cochrane Library。检索时间限定为自建库至2022年5月1日。纳入运用清热化痰类中药治疗痰火扰心型室性期前收缩的随机对照试验(RCT),2名研究者通过阅读文献题目和摘要,并结合全文,对文献进行资料提取,应用RevMan 5.4软件进行Meta分析。结果:最终纳入符合标准的RCT 12项,涉及1 608例病人,Meta分析结果显示:试验组临床疗效优于对照组[RR=1.23,95%CI(1.15,1.32),P<0.000 01],不良反应发生率低于对照组[RR=0.50,95%CI(0.27,0.92),P=0.03],中医证候疗效优于对照组[RR=1.22,95%CI(1.07,1.39),P=0.002],室性期前收缩次数较对照组明显降低[MD=-706.53,95%CI(-951.62,-461.44),P<0.000 01],中医证候积分较对照组明显降低[MD=-16.30,95%CI(-21.53,-11.08),P<0.000 01]。结论:现有证据表明,清热化痰类中药联合西药治疗痰火扰心型室性期前收缩的疗效优于单纯西药治疗,且具有较高的安全性。 Objective:To review the efficacy and safety of clearing heat resolving phlegm traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)for the treatment of premature ventricular contraction with phlegm-fire disturbing heart syndrome.Methods:CNKI,VIP,WanFang,China Biology Medicine disc(CBM),PubMed,Web of Science,and the Cochrane Library were searched.The retrieval time was before May 1,2022.Randomized controlled trial of the treatment of phlegm-fire disturbing heart premature ventricular contractions with clearing heat resolving phlegm TCM was included.Two researchers extracted data from the literature.Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.4 software.Results:Twelve eligible RCTs were included,including 1608 patients.Meta-analysis results showed that the clinical effect of experimental group was better than that of control group(RR=1.23,95%CI 1.15-1.32,P<0.00001).The incidence of adverse reactions in experimental group was lower than that in control group(RR=0.50,95%CI 0.27-0.92,P=0.03).The therapeutic effect of TCM syndrome in experimental group was better than that in control group(RR=1.22,95%CI 1.07-1.39,P=0.002).The experimental group was superior to the control group in reducing the number of premature ventricular beats(MD=-706.53,95%CI-951.62--461.44,P<0.00001).The effect of reducing TCM syndrome score in experimental group was better than that in control group(MD=-16.30,95%CI-21.53--11.08,P<0.00001).Conclusion:Available evidence indicates that the curative effect of clearing heat and resolving phlegm combined with Western medicine for the treatment of premature ventricular contraction with phlegm-fire disturbing heart syndrome is better than that of Western medicine alone,and it is also safe.
作者 张雨晴 曹增 李瑞菡 吴焕林 ZHANG Yuqing;CAO Zeng;LI Ruihan;WU Huanlin(Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100105,China)
机构地区 北京中医药大学
出处 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2024年第7期1173-1178,共6页 Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease
关键词 室性期前收缩 痰火扰心 清热化痰 临床疗效 META分析 premature ventricular contraction phlegm-fire disturbing heart clearing heat resolving phlegm clinical efficacy Meta-analysis
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