
Designing a medical ethics curriculum in ophthalmology

摘要 Ethical principles form a bedrock to medical practice in any specialty,guiding physicians to appropriate attitudes and behaviors.A formal ethics curriculum can be difficult to generate de novo in an ophthalmology training program.A number of barriers exist in most ophthalmology departments:trainees may think ethics is of secondary importance compared to core basic and clinical science topics;most ophthalmology faculty have no formal degree in medical ethics;there is limited didactic time with competing academic,clinical,and surgical priorities;work-hours regulations may limit the time available to deliver“para-professional”lectures;and there is a belief that the medical ethics lectures during medical school is a sufficient amount of coursework to last through a physician’s career with no need for continuing professional development.The four pillars of medical ethics are beneficence,non-maleficence,autonomy,and justice.In addition,morals,ethics,and professionalism are important aspects of sound medical practice.A curriculum specific to medical ethics in ophthalmology can be developed in any of our sub-specialties and include lectures,curated readings,case rounds,and clinic wrap-up sessions.Ethical considerations are part of everyday clinical practice,and a structured ethics curriculum can be incorporated into ophthalmology training programs.The concept of backward design can be used to structure the curriculum,starting with the expected outcome,then designing authentic assessments,and finally putting together a learning plan that has students actively involved in ethical discussions.This paper will provide a guide to developing an ethics curriculum for an ophthalmology training program utilizing the concept of backwards design and guide the reader through the process of developing expected learning outcomes,authentic assessments,and a unified learning plan.
机构地区 Flaum Eye Institute
出处 《Annals of Eye Science》 2024年第1期4-9,共6页 眼科学年鉴(英文)
基金 supported by an unrestricted Research to Prevent Blindness grant.








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