

On the Effect of Integrating OBE Concept into Curriculum Ideology and Politics to Construct Basic Medical General Theory
摘要 基于社会需求以培养德才兼备的医学生为成果导向教育(outcome-based education,OBE)融入课程思政构建基础医学总论提供了基础。基础医学总论是内蒙古医科大学五年制临床医学专业卓越医师教改班开设的第一门基础医学课程,具有学时多,教学内容多且不系统,课程难度大的特性。以线上和线下教学平台为载体,基于OBE理念融入课程思政以调整教学方法和手段,为国家培养能肩负“健康所系、性命相托”职责的医学人才,使医学生既具有精湛的医技,还具有“敬畏生命、仁爱至善、坚韧尚行”的医者精神。基于OBE理念融入课程思政构建基础医学总论,克服了学生的学习畏难情绪,增强了教学效果,利于培养德才兼备的医学生。本研究可为今后医学课程教学改革提供参考。 Integrating the ideological and political education based on social demand-oriented into the concept of outcome-based education(OBE)to construct a General Introduction to Basic Medicine,which facilitates the cultivation of medical students with both morals and talent to adapt to job demand basic oriented.General Introduction to Basic Medicine is the first basic medical course offered by our five-year clinical medicine program for outstanding physicians.It has the characteristics of long class hours,large and unsystematic teaching content,and high course difficulty.This study takes online and offline teaching as carriers,integrates the OBE concept into the curriculum,adjusts teaching methods and means of ideological and political education,and cultivates medical talents for the country to shoulder the responsibility of“health and life trust”,which enables medical students to possess not only exquisite medical skills,but also the spirit of“respecting life,loving the best,and being resilient and practical.”Integrating the OBE education concept into ideological and political education to construct a general introduction to basic medicine overcomes students’fear of difficulties,enhances teaching effectiveness,and cultivates medical students with moral and professional abilities.This study can provide reference for future medical course teaching reform.
作者 李雅静 张楠 耿世佳 马丽杰 张星光 张子英 LI Yajing;ZHANG Nan;GENG Shijia;MA Lijie;ZHANG Xingguang;ZHANG Ziying(Inner Mongolia Medical University,Hohhot 010110,China)
机构地区 内蒙古医科大学
出处 《医学教育研究与实践》 2024年第2期190-194,共5页 Medical Education Research and Practice
基金 内蒙古医科大学2021年度校级课程思政示范课程项目(NYKCSZKC202113) 2022年度内蒙古自治区教育科学规划课题(NGJGH2022028) 2021年自治区教育科学规划课题(NGJGH2021334,NGJGH2021281)。
关键词 卓越医师 基础医学总论 成果导向教育 课程思政 双线混融 excellent physician general introduction to basic medicine outcome-based education(OBE) curriculum ideological and political education double line blending
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