

Study on the plant community and species diversity of Taxus wallichiana distribution area in Shuangbai County of Yunan Ailao Mountain National Nature Reserve
摘要 为了解哀牢山国家级自然保护区双柏县片区喜马拉雅红豆杉分布区植物群落特征与物种多样性,在该区设置了3块样地进行调查与分析。结果显示:喜马拉雅红豆杉分布区3个群落内共有野生维管束植物53科75属108种,其中蔷薇科、百合科、樟科、鳞毛蕨科、壳斗科等12个科为主要组成科;仅含1个种的科和属分别占总科数和总属数的77.36%和73.33%。滇木荷、露珠杜鹃、珊瑚冬青、珍珠花、硬叶柯等是乔木层的主要树种,喜马拉雅红豆杉为乔木层的重要伴生树种;无量山箭竹在灌木层中占据绝对优势地位;层间层以毛狭叶崖爬藤、扶芳藤、蛇泡筋为主;草本层以长穗柄薹草、帚状薹草、大羽鳞毛蕨为主。喜马拉雅红豆杉所在群落各层的物种多样性指数总体呈现为乔木层的>草本层的>层间层的>灌木层的;乔木层总体表现为物种多样性最高,其种类最为丰富,分布最为均匀;喜马拉雅红豆杉所在群落之间的物种组成相似性低,差异明显。 In order to understand the structural characteristics and species diversity of plant community that Taxus wallichiana distribution area was in Shuangbai County,Yunnan Ailao Mountain National Nature Reserve,three sample plots that included species T.wallichiana were set up for investigation and analysis.The results showed that there were 53 families,75 genera and 108 species of vascular plants recorded from three communities of T.Wallichiana distribution area,and 12 families,including Rosaceae,Liliaceae,lauraceae,Lepidopteraceae and Fagaceaewere the main components.The families and genera with only one species was accounted for 77.36%and 73.33%of the total families and genera,respectively.Schima noronhae,Rhododendron irroratum,Ilex corallina,Lyonia ovalifolia,Lithocarpus crassifolius were the main tree species in the tree layer,and T.wallichiana was the important associated species in the tree layer.Fargesia wuliangshanensis occupied an absolutely dominant position in shrub layer.The interlayer was dominated by Tetrastigma serrulatum,Euonymus fortunei and Rubus cochinchinensis.The herbs layer was dominated by Carex longipes,Carex praelonga and Dryopteris wallichiana.The index of species diversity among different layers of T.wallichiana community was as follows:tree layer>herb layer>inter layer>shrub layer,indicating that tree layer presented the higtest species diversity,the most abundant species,the most uniform distribution and the most stable community structure.The species composition had low similarity and extremely significantamong three communities of T.wallichiana.
作者 李根会 覃忠义 尹光华 张志强 高文俊 罗文富 魏靖琳 李函 苏家红 覃家理 鲁志云 LI Genhui;QIN Zhongyi;YIN Guanghua;ZHANG Zhiqiang;GAO Wenjun;LUO Wenfu;WEI Jinglin;LI Han;SU Jiahong;QIN Jiali;LU Zhiyun(Chuxiong Administration and Conservation Bureau,Yunan Ailao Mountain National Nature Reserve,Chuxiong 675000,Yunnan,China;College of Forestry,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China;Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Menglun 666303,Yunnan,China)
出处 《湖南林业科技》 2024年第2期57-63,69,共8页 Hunan Forestry Science & Technology
基金 哀牢山国家级自然保护区楚雄管理局项目“2023年林业草原生态保护恢复生物多样性监测”。
关键词 哀牢山 喜马拉雅红豆杉 物种组成 群落结构 物种多样性 Ailao Mountains Taxus wallichiana species composition community structure species diversity








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