

Macao's China Publishing Industry:History and Influencing Factors
摘要 中国澳门是中西文化交融之地,中国澳门出版业在“中学西传”和“西学东渐”中发挥了重要作用。中国澳门出版业发展历史悠久,从16世纪末至17世纪初萌芽兴起、17—18世纪发展式微、19世纪初繁荣发展、民国时期缓慢发展到新中国成立后进入新的发展阶段。研究发现,中国澳门出版业的发展过程受多方面复杂因素综合影响。一是经济结构调整,1535年中国澳门开埠后成为明清政府与其他国家经贸往来、文化交流的基地,16世纪末中国澳门的中西文化出版枢纽作用开始凸显,但后来以博彩旅游为主的产业结构挤占了出版业发展空间。二是政府管制强度,19世纪葡萄牙政府取消海外出版禁令、清朝政府放松出版管制、中国澳门议事会取消出版审查制度,促进了中国澳门出版业快速发展。三是印刷技术水平,它对中国澳门出版业16世纪的萌芽以及19世纪的繁荣发展起到了重要作用,中国澳门除了是天主教传教士最早使用中式雕版印刷术的地方之一,也是西方近代活字印刷术最早传入中国的地方。四是多语翻译机制,中国澳门出版业的发展与中葡、中英等翻译密不可分。总体而言,梳理总结中国澳门出版业历史经验对“一国两制”新时代下中国澳门出版业的发展有重要的学术价值和现实意义。 Macao China is a place where Chinese and Western cultures meet.Its publishing indus-try played an important role in facilitating cross-cultural communication between the East and the West.With a long history,it emerged during the 16th and 17th centuries,declined in the 17th and 18th centuries,prospered in the early 19th century,slightly in the 20th century and it has en-tered a new stage of development since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949.The study reveals that the development of Macao China's publishing industry was influenced by multiple factors.First,the economic structure was a key factor.By the end of the 16th century,Macao China had established itself as a hub for Chinese and Western cultural publications.Yet later,gaming and tourism dominated the economy.The space for publishing industry was squeezed.Second,the intensity of government control played a vital role.In the 19th century,the Portuguese gov-ernment lifted the ban on overseas publishing,the Qing government loosened publishing controls,and the Macao China Legislative Council abolished the publishing censorship system.All of these meas-ures facilitated the flourishing of Macao China's publishing industry.Third,printing technology was cru-cial for the budding of Macao China's publishing industry in the 16th century and its prosperity in the 19th century.Macao China was not only one of the places where Catholic missionaries first used Chinese woodblock printing,but also where Western modern movable type printing was first introduced in-to China.Lastly,the multilingual translation mechanism was closely relevant.The development of Macao China's publishing industry was inseparable from Chinese-Portuguese and Chinese-English trans-lation.Overall,to summarize the key influencing factors in the history is extremely valuable for re-vitalizing Macao China's publishing industry today within the framework of“one country,two systems”.
作者 李佳桧 林发钦 Li Jiagui;Johnny F.I.Lam
出处 《中国出版史研究》 2024年第2期101-120,共20页 Research on the History of Publishing in China
基金 澳门理工大学“澳门建设‘以中华文化为主流、多元文化共存的交流合作基地’之研究”(RP/ESCHS-01/2020)的项目成果。
关键词 中国澳门 出版业 历史 经济 政府管制 印刷 翻译 Macao China publishing industry history economy government printing translation
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