

Effects of shift-work on sleep and blood pressure in electronics workers
摘要 目的 调查电子行业工人倒班对睡眠与血压的影响。方法 采用典型抽样方法,选取武汉市11家电子企业共2 496名一线生产工人为研究对象,对其进行问卷调查,收集其倒班情况,采用《匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表》(PSQI)测量其最近1个月的睡眠质量。结果 研究对象高血压检出率为6.0%,睡眠异常检出率为68.1%。多重线性回归分析结果显示,白班中班、白班夜班两班倒工人的PSQI总分均高于无倒班者(P值均<0.05),PSQI总分随着工人倒班工龄和倒班频率的增加而升高(P值均<0.05);白班中班、白班夜班两班倒工人收缩压和舒张压均高于无倒班者(P值均<0.05),舒张压随着工人倒班频率增加而增加(P <0.05)。多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,白中夜三班倒、倒班工龄>10年、倒班频率>4次/月的工人更易发生睡眠异常(P值均<0.05);不同倒班类型、倒班工龄和倒班频率均可导致工人高血压的患病风险增加(P值均<0.05)。结论 倒班工作对武汉市电子行业工人睡眠质量影响显著,并可增加高血压的患病风险。 Objective To investigate the effects of shift-work on sleep and blood pressure in electronics workers. Methods A total of 2 496 workers were selected from 11 electronic enterprises in Wuhan City as the study subjects by typical cluster sampling method. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect their current status of shift-work. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index(PSQI) was used to measure their sleep quality in the past month. Results The prevalence of hypertension and sleep abnormality of the study subjects were 6.0% and 68.1%, respectively. The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the total scores of PSQI in the day-middle shift workers and day-night shift workers were higher than that in the non-shift workers(all P<0.05), and the total score of PSQI increased with the shift work age and shift work frequency(all P<0.05). The systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure of the workers who worked on the day-middle shift and day-night shift were higher than those in the non-shift workers(all P<0.05), and the diastolic blood pressure increased with the shift work frequency(P<0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis result showed that workers on three-shift rotations, with >10 years of shift work experience, and with a shift work frequency of more than four times per month were more likely to experience abnormal sleep(all P<0.05). Different type of shift-work, shift-work age and shift-work frequency could increase the risk of hypertension in workers(all P<0.05). Conclusion Shift-work greatly affects the sleep quality of workers in the electronics industry in Wuhan City and increases the risk of hypertension.
作者 王锋 罗莹 江腰香 WANG Feng;LUO Ying;JIANG Yaoxiang(Wuhan Prevention and Treatment Center for Occupational Diseases,Wuhan,Hubei 430015,China;不详)
出处 《中国职业医学》 CAS 2024年第3期331-335,340,共6页 China Occupational Medicine
基金 武汉市医学科研项目(WG21Z01)。
关键词 倒班 电子行业 睡眠异常 高血压 Shift work Electronics industry Sleep abnormality Hypertension
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