射血分数保留的心力衰竭(Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction,HFpEF)为本虚标实之证。本虚即为心、肺、脾、肾之阳虚,其中心阳亏虚是本虚之核心;标实则是水饮、痰浊、瘀血之阴实,其中瘀血贯穿疾病始终。研究通过剖析“动则生阳”理论内涵,发现广义的“动”除了指运动疗法外,还包括“动药”。阳气在人体生命活动中起主导作用,气主动而属阳,故阳气主动。若阳气亏虚,则当顺应阳气“动”的特性而补足阳气,因此《黄帝内经》提出“动则生阳”理论。基于此,笔者在“动则生阳”理论的指导下创“武医结合”之法,将“动药”与中医运动疗法联合应用于HFpEF的治疗。风药升生以化阳,虫药走窜而通阳,风药升生之力与虫药走窜之功除标实而助阳势、化阳气。太极拳、八段锦皆能温壮阳气,以益本虚。本治疗方法旨在顺应阳气“动”的特性而“生阳”,从而改善HFpEF的临床症状,促使身体向愈。“动药”与中医运动疗法的联合应用是“武医结合”防治HFpEF的体现,既可为临床诊疗提供新的思路,同时也丰富了中医治疗HFpEF的理论体系。
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction(HFpEF)is a syndrome of root deficiency and branch excess.This root Hdeficiency is the Yang(阳)deficiency of heart,lung,spleen and kidney.The deficiency of heart Yang is the core.The branch excess is the Yin(阴)excess of fluid retention,phlegm turbidity and blood stasis,in which blood stasis runs through the disease from beginning to end.By analyzing the theoretical connotation of movement generates Yang.This paper believes that“movement”in a broad sense refers to not only exercise therapy,but also“Dongyao”(动药).Yang Qi(阳气)plays a leading role in the life activities of the human body,and Qi(气)is active and belongs to Yang,so Yang Qi is active.If the Yang energy is deficient,then the Yang energy should be supplemented by the characteristics of the Yang energy“moving”,so the theory of moving to generate Yang was put forward in Huangdi Neijing(《黄帝内经》).Therefore,under the guidance of the theory of“Dong Ze Sheng Yang”,the author has created a“combination of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts”method,which combines“Dongyao”and traditional Chinese medicine exercise therapy to treat HFpEF.Wind medicine can elevates vitality to transform Yang,insect medicine can unblocks and penetrates Yang,Tai Ji Quan(太极拳)and Ba Duan Jin(八段锦)can warm and strengthen Yang.This treatment aims to“generate Yang”according to the“dynamic”characteristics of Yang Qi,so as to relieve the clinical symptoms of HFpEF and promote the recovery of the patients.The combined application of Dongyao and TCM exercise therapy is the embodiment of the“combination of traditional Chinese medicine and martial arts”in the prevention and treatment of HFpEF,which can not only provide new ideas for clinical diagnosis and treatment,but also enrich the theoretical system of TCM treatment of HFpEF.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
Huangdi Neijing
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
Yang Qi
Traditional Chinese medicine exercise therapy