Compared with China-US inter-government diplomacy that attracts worldwide attention,political party diplomacy between China and the US is more like a “hidden corner”.Launched in 2010,the China-US Political Party Dialogue has held 13 consecutive sessions.This mechanism has played a unique and important role in enhancing mutual understanding,engaging in strategic communication and promoting practical cooperation between China and the United States.Although relevant literature and public reports are very limited,they can still provide a useful perspective to observe China-US relations from a “new angle”.Political party diplomacy between China and the US has gone through three stages:a period of frequent interaction,a period of maturity,and a period of advancing amid great difficulties.It has played a positive political role in promoting exchange of political understanding between the two countries,building positive cognition,and preserving dialogue channels.Although political party diplomacy is not the fundamental way to push China and the US to transcend differences and contradictions,it is an effective mechanism for the two countries to carry out stable multi-tiered strategic communication,manage crises,and prevent conflicts.
Li Chenyang;Dou Xiaoyong(the Institute of International Relations,Yunnan University)
Peace and Development