

Research on teaching reform of“Python programming”course based on“PAD class”
摘要 对分课堂是复旦大学心理系博士张学新教授于2014年提出的一种基于心理学原理的创新型课堂教学模式。文章以《国家职业教育改革实施方案》为基础,选取职业院校电子信息类专业的“Python程序设计”课程作为案例,探讨了基于对分课堂教学模式的职业教育混合式教学改革。在实施过程中,有针对性地融入了课程思政、开放化教学和社会企业岗位需求等元素,同时应用在线评测OJ系统,旨在丰富教学内容并提升学生的学习能力,为教育领域的创新提供新的思路和实践经验,为推动教育的数字化转型做出积极贡献。 PAD Class is an innovative classroom teaching model based on psychological principles proposed by Professor Zhang Xuexin,a Ph.D.from the Department of Psychology at Fudan University,in 2014.Based on the Implementation Plan for National Vocational Education Reform,this article selects the“Python programming”course of electronic information majors in vocational colleges as a case study to explore the mixed teaching reform of vocational education based on the PAD class teaching mode.In the implementation process,targeted elements such as curriculum ideology,open teaching,and social enterprise job requirements were integrated.At the same time,the online evaluation OJ system was applied to enrich teaching content and enhance students̓learning abilities,providing new ideas and practical experience for innovation in the education field and making positive contributions to promoting the digital transformation of education.
作者 章攀 ZHANG Pan(Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College,Chongqing 400000,China)
出处 《计算机应用文摘》 2024年第18期37-39,42,共4页
基金 重庆市教育科学规划课题2023年度教学改革研究专项一般课题:“三教”改革背景下基于OBE理念的职业院校课程教学改革研究(K23ZG060182) 2023年度重庆工业职业技术学院思政项目(2023GZYSZY-12)。
关键词 职业教育 对分课堂 开放化教学 OJ系统 vocational education PAD class open teaching OJ system
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