针对激光测距、激光雷达、自动驾驶等领域对体积小、重量轻的 1.5µm波段光源的迫切需求,设计了一款紧凑型激光测距用铒玻璃激光器.该型激光器具有体积小、重量轻、免温控的特点,并对其输出特性进行了实验研究.实验证明,使用 940 nm半导体激光器泵浦,在输出功率 12 W,泵浦脉宽 1.6 ms,泵浦重复频率 10 Hz,被动调Q晶体T0=92%,输出镜反射率R=90%条件下,输出中心波长 1 535 nm脉冲激光,脉冲宽度 5 ns,单脉冲能量 502µJ,重复频率 10 Hz,激光器结构紧凑,结构尺寸为 32 mm×12 mm×8 mm,重量<10 g.激光器在无温控的条件下,可在-40~60℃环境温度下稳定工作,可被广泛应用于便携手持激光测距仪、无人机、无人车等领域.
A compact erbium glass laser for laser ranging is designed and its output characteristics are experimentally studied.Experiment results show that using a 940 nm semiconductor laser pump,when the output power is 12 W,the pump pulse width is 1.6 ms,the passively Q-switched crystal T0 is 92%,the output mirror reflectivity R is 90%,the output will be the pulse laser of center wavelength 1535 nm,the pulse width will be 5ns,the single pulse energy will be 502μJ,the repetition frequency will be 10 Hz.The compact laser structure size can be controlled at 32 mm×12 mm×8 mm,weight<10 g.
LIAO Lin-wei(The Seventh Military Representative Office of the Military Representative Office of the Department of Naval Equipment in Wuhan,Wuhan 430223,China)
Optics & Optoelectronic Technology