
中国北方内陆盐水的浮游植物 被引量:22

A study on the phytoplankton from inland saline waters in northern China
摘要 1990~1991年在运城、张家口和白城地区盐度为0.57~214g/L的22个内陆水体采集了浮游藻类,共鉴定出100属132种和亚种。能在超盐水体出现的计有60种,种数和多样性指数均与盐度呈显著的负相关。根据出现率和平均密度,下列30种是区系的主要种或较主要种:小颤藻、微小色球藻、细小平裂藻、银灰平裂藻、铜绿微囊藻、针晶蓝纤维藻、大螺旋藻、湖生卵囊藻、普通小球藻、盐藻、衣藻、四角十字藻、扭曲蹄形藻、尖细栅藻、绿球藻、孟氏小环藻、舟形藻、菱形藻、细小桥穹藻、卵圆双眉藻、尖布纹藻、扁圆卵形藻、隐头舟形藻、卵形双菱藻、绿裸藻、卵圆鳞孔藻、矩圆囊裸藻、尖尾蓝隐藻、啮蚀隐藻和光甲藻。文中讨论了内陆盐水浮游植物区系特点、藻类对盐度的耐受性以及种类多样性与盐度、碱度、PH和离子系数之间的关系等问题。 Collection of algae, mainly planktonic, were made from 22 inland saline water bodies in Yuncheng, Zhangjiakou and Baicheng regions located in northern China ranging in salinity from 0. 57 - 214 g/L during 1990 -1991. Phytoplankton in 100 genera and 132 species and varieties were identified. 60 species can occurs in hypersaline waters (salini-ty>40 g/L) . In general, the number of species and diversity index were inversely corelated to waters salinity.According to tye rate of occurrence and the average density, the major species are blue - green algae; Oscillatoriatenuis, Chroococcus minutus, Merismopedia tenuissima, M. glauca, Microcystia aeruginosa, Dactyloccocopsis rhaphidioides and Spirulina major; green algae: Oocystis lacustis, Chlorella vulgaris, Dunaliella salina, Chlamydomonas spp. , Cruci-genia quadrate, Kirchchneriella contota, Scenedesmus acuminatus and Chlorococcum sppp. ; diatoms; Cyclotella meneghiniana, Navicula spp. , Nitzschia spp. , Cymbella pusilla, Am-phoraovalis, Gyrosigma acuminata, Cocconeis placentula, Navicula cryptocepha and Surirella ovata; other phyta; Euglena viridis, Lepocinclis ovum, Trachelomonas obloga, Chroomonas acuta, Cryptomonas erosa and Glenodinium gymnodiniu.Faunal features, the salinity tolerance of inland water phytoplankton and relationships between salinity, alkalinity, PH, ratio of monovalent to divalent ions and species diversity were discussed.
作者 赵文
出处 《大连水产学院学报》 CSCD 1992年第2期49-64,共16页 Journal of Dalian Fisheries University
基金 国家自然科学基金 38970589号
关键词 浮游植物 种群鉴定 耐盐性 phytoplankton, morthern China inland saline waters, salinity tolerance
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