文章综述了国内外森林小气候观测研究概况及进展 ,包扩森林小气候观测研究的常用仪器、观测方法和观测项目等。森林小气候观测方法主要有常规观测和梯度观测两大类。我国从 2 0世纪 80年代开始较为广泛使用常规观测仪器进行森林小气候观测 ,而国外自 6 0年代中期就开始大量使用先进的自动观测仪器进行森林小气候观测 ;国内进行森林小气候观测的项目比较广泛但缺乏深度 ,而国外主要针对某一具体观测项目开展比较深入的研究。
This paper summarized the general situation and advance of observation methods and studies on the forest microclimate in China and in some developed countries in recent years. The observation methods mainly consisted of normal observation method and gradual observation method. In China, conventional devices began to be widely applied in forest microclimate observation in 1980s, with various items of the forest microclimate observed, but usually superficially. In some developed countries, however, advanced devices were used for forest microclimate research as early as in mid 1960s and specific items were observed and studied in depth. Some reasonable suggestions are put forward,too. \;
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province