水资源短缺问题已迫在眉睫 ,生命之源要断流 ,现在已到必须呵护水、珍惜水的时候了。本文在分析水资源短缺的主要原因的基础上阐述了节水的重要性和主要途径 ,实行限量定额用水 ,彻底改变农村用水粗放浪费、城市用水高消耗的传统模式 。
The shortage of resources is extremely urgent and people will have nothing to drink.It is time for people to saving water.Based on the analysis of the main factors to cause the shortage of water ,this paper presents the importance of the saving on water resources and the principal way for solving the shortage of water.It suggests that wa should convert thoroughly the traditional model of extensive usage of water in water in the country and consuming highly in the city in order to realize the goal of sustainable usage of water.
Shortage of water resources
Importance of saving water
Inquiring of measures