目的了解性传播疾病(STD)门诊患者艾滋病相关知识、态度、安全套使用及性传播疾病(STD)感染状况,为STD门诊患者开展健康教育与行为干预提供依据。方法 2017年1~3月对在贵州省人民医院STD门诊就诊的523例就诊者进行问卷调查,STD按要求进行采样检测。结果 STD门诊就诊者艾滋病相关知识相对欠缺,HIV知晓率仅为11.09%(58/523),城市居民、青壮年、大专以上、干部、高收入人群艾滋病知晓率明显高于其他人群:其中贵阳户藉者知晓率(23.08%)高于贵州其他地区(4.89%)及外省户藉者(19.57%);20~40岁青壮年(15.81%)高于其他年龄(≤20岁5.13%,40~50岁4.26%,>50岁0);大专及以上学历(17.86%)高于其他低学历组(小学及以下1.59%、初中7.48%、高中及中专12.03%);干部(32.43%)高于其他职业(暗娼26.09%、个体、无业10.78%、商业供销10.29%、工人司机8.43%、学生5.56%、农民1.03%);随月收入增加,HIV知晓率增高,月收入>8 000元组(60.00%)高于其他收入组(<1 000元2.32%,1 000~3 000元8.61%,3 000~5 000元12.82%,5 000~8 000元16.13%),以上各项指标比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);而不同性别、不同婚姻状况、是否有性生活史、不同性取向者知晓率比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);STD门诊就诊者STD总检出率高达53.53%(280/523),其中仅感染一种性病者48.76%(255/523),同时感染两种或两种以上性病者4.77%(25/523);最近一次性行为中安全套使用率仅为24.09%(126/523),最近三个月每次性行为均使用安全套仅占9.37%(49/523)。51.61%(96/186)的女性调查者认为是被配偶或固定性伴感染,仅26.41%(89/337)男性调查者认为是被配偶或固定性伴感染。结论 STD门诊患者艾滋病知识知晓率低,性病检出率高,安全套使用率低,应在STD患者中开展针对性干预措施,有效筛查和控制STD,推广安全套使用,以降低高危人群感染HIV/STD风险。
Objective To investigate the HIV-related knowledge, attitude, condom using and sexually transmitted disease(STD) prevalence among outpatients at STD clinics, and to provide evidence for conducting health education and behavioral intervention. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted among 523 subjects at STD clinics in Guizhou Provincial People’s Hospital from January to March in 2017, and the specimens were collected for STD test.Results The HIV-related knowledge of the outpatients at STD clinics was relatively deficient, and the awareness rate of HIV was 11.09%(58/523). The awareness rate among urban residents, the young and middle-aged, college degree or above, cadres and high-income people was significantly higher than those of other people. The awareness rate of people in Guiyang(23.08%) was higher than that of other areas in Guizhou(4.89%) and other provinces(19.57%). The awareness rate was significantly higher in the young and middle-aged(15.81%) than other ages(5.13% for the ≤20 years,4.26% for the 40 to 50 years, 0 for the >50 years), in people with college degree or above(17.86%) than those with lower education degree(primary and below 1.59%, junior high school 7.48%, high school and secondary school 12.03%), in cadres(32.43%) than other occupations(prostitutes 26.09%, self-employed and unemployed 10.78%, commercial supply and sales 10.29%, workers and drivers 8.43%, students 5.56%, farmers 1.03%), and also in people with monthly income above 8000 yuan than people with lower income(<1 000 yuan 2.32%, 1000 to 3000 yuan 8.61%,3000 to 5000 yuan12.82%,5000 to 8000 yuan 16.13%). The differences were all statistically significant(P<0.05). No significant difference in the rates of knowledge was found among different gender groups, marital status, sexual life history and sexual orientation(P>0.05). Among the 523 subjects, 53.53%(280/523) were found to have STD, with 48.76%(255/523) only having one STD and 4.77%(25/523) having two or more STD. The condom use rate of the most recent sexual intercourse was only 24.09%(126/523). In the last three months, condom use rate of every sexual intercourse was only 9.37%(49/523).Besides, 51.61%(96/186) of the female subjects versus 26.41%(89/337) of male subjects thought that the route of infection was spouse or fixed partner. Conclusion The awareness rate of HIV-related knowledge was relatively low among outpatients at STD clinics, with high STD detection rate and low condom using rate. Specific intervention measures are in emergency need to reduce the occurrence of STD and AIDS.
CHEN Xu-e;LI Ji;MA Ting(Guizhou Provincial People’s Hospital,Guiyang 550002,Guizhou,CHINA)
Hainan Medical Journal