
New Media Era: Research on Ideological and Political Education in Universities

New Media Era: Research on Ideological and Political Education in Universities
摘要 The development of new media has brought to the ideological and political education in colleges and universities of the new situation and new problems that are needed to make a new generalization and explanation, which not only endows the new mission of ideological and political education workers, but also brings new opportunities to the innovation and development of ideological and political education theory. This paper argues and interprets the definition, impact analysis, and content &structure optimization of the new media era ideological and political governance education from a new perspective of interdisciplinary study including the sociology, psychology, ethics and Journalism. The development of new media has brought to the ideological and political education in colleges and universities of the new situation and new problems that are needed to make a new generalization and explanation, which not only endows the new mission of ideological and political education workers, but also brings new opportunities to the innovation and development of ideological and political education theory. This paper argues and interprets the definition, impact analysis, and content &structure optimization of the new media era ideological and political governance education from a new perspective of interdisciplinary study including the sociology, psychology, ethics and Journalism.
作者 田菁
出处 《海外英语》 2016年第18期237-238,共2页 Overseas English
关键词 New media era ideological and political education in China’s colleges and universities New media era ideological and political education in China's colleges and universities
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