
Features, Transformation and Historical Influence of Ancient Greek View of Friendship

Features, Transformation and Historical Influence of Ancient Greek View of Friendship
摘要 Historical changes in the view of friendship is an important tool for understanding the Western culture history. Ancient Greek society built tension between friendship theory and reality, relying on Life characteristics and cultural prosperity contending. They integrated the common brotherhood love, friendship, family, relationships between God and person, citizenship love into their lives through its unique lifestyle, and began a process of mutual shaping. It is intense and harmonious of sex and love,this is the most significant feature of their friendship view. There are a number of reasons of culture, politics and life for the Transition of Ancient Greek view of friendship. Ancient Greek view of friendship has been echoed in history, and has important implications to China's cultural and moral construction. Historical changes in the view of friendship is an important tool for understanding the Western culture history. Ancient Greek society built tension between friendship theory and reality, relying on Life characteristics and cultural prosperity contending. They integrated the common brotherhood love, friendship, family, relationships between God and person, citizenship love into their lives through its unique lifestyle, and began a process of mutual shaping. It is intense and harmonious of sex and love,this is the most significant feature of their friendship view. There are a number of reasons of culture, politics and life for the Transition of Ancient Greek view of friendship. Ancient Greek view of friendship has been echoed in history, and has important implications to China's cultural and moral construction.
作者 刘雪坤
出处 《海外英语》 2016年第23期180-182,共3页 Overseas English
基金 Jiangsu Province Social Science Fund project(15MLC004) Jiangsu Province Quality Projects of Social Science Research(14SWA-009) the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2013B33514)
关键词 Friendship view ancient Greece transformation Moral and cultural construction Friendship view ancient Greece transformation Moral and cultural construction
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