
Study on PAD and flipped Classroom Applied to College English Teaching--Take College English Viewing,Listening and Speaking Ⅰ For Instance

Study on PAD and flipped Classroom Applied to College English Teaching——Take College English Viewing,Listening and Speaking Ⅰ For Instance
摘要 PAD(presentation,assimilation and discussion) and flipped classroom mix the advantages of PAD and flipped classroom,PADand flipped classroom separate the period of a teacher's teaching and students' interaction,allowing students to assimilate the knowl-edge they learned in one week,this teaching mode considers different groups of students.A result of a recent teaching experiment showsthat this teaching mode can allocate class time more efficiently and equally to each student to practise oral English.Students are moreconfident,more willing to participate and show more interest in oral class. PAD(presentation,assimilation and discussion) and flipped classroom mix the advantages of PAD and flipped classroom,PADand flipped classroom separate the period of a teacher's teaching and students' interaction,allowing students to assimilate the knowl-edge they learned in one week,this teaching mode considers different groups of students.A result of a recent teaching experiment showsthat this teaching mode can allocate class time more efficiently and equally to each student to practise oral English.Students are moreconfident,more willing to participate and show more interest in oral class.
作者 李飞 李姝颖
机构地区 汉口学院
出处 《海外英语》 2017年第6期211-212,共2页 Overseas English
基金 2016年度湖北省教育厅科学研究计划指导性项目(项目编号:B2016327)
关键词 PAD and flipped classroom College English Teaching College English Viewing Listening and Speaking PAD and flipped classroom College English Teaching College English Viewing Listening and Speaking Ⅰ








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