目的 :了解襄樊地区大专学生膳食中铜、锌、锰、铁的营养状况 ,并有针对性地进行膳食指导。方法 :对襄樊地区 1 2 30名在校生进行了膳食调查 ,以学生每日进食量对照表测定五种食物中铜锌锰铁的平均含量对在校生铜锌锰铁日摄入量水平进行估算。参照中国营养学会推荐的每日膳食中营养素供给标准、营养与食品卫生学第三版微量元素供给标准 ,对大专学生膳食中铜、锌、锰、铁的营养状况作出评价。结果 :男女学生每日铜摄入量分别达供给标准 (RDA) 1 32 %和 1 2 2 % ;锰日摄入量分别达RDA1 41 %和 1 2 6% ;铁日摄入量分别达RDA1 0 6%和 74% ;锌日摄入量分别达RDA45 %和 41 %。结论 :女生铁的摄入不足 。
Objective: To find out the alimentary state about the Elements of Cuprum, Zinc, manganese and Iron in the diet of the colleges students in Xiangfan regions, and guide the diet according to the case Method: To investigate the diet of the 1230 students in Xiangfan, consult the alimentary standard recommended by the Alimentary Association of China, appraise the alimentary state about the elements of Cuprum, Zinc, Manganese and Iron in the diet of the students in the colleges Result: The quantity of the Cuprum absorbed by the boy and girl students reaches RDA 132% and 122%; The Manganese about RDA 141% and 126%; The Iron about RDA 106% and 74%, the Zinc about RDA 45% and 41% Conclusions: The quantity of the Iron absorbed by enough, the quantity of the Zinc, absorbed by not only girl but also boy students, was not sufficient
Journal of Xiangfan Vocational and Technical College