本文报道了1988年10月从滇西北怒山山脉东坡(约东经98°87′,北纬27°55′;海拔3,300m)的多齿鼩鼹Nasillus gracills体上所采获的古蚤属Palaeopsylla Wagner,1903一新种。它属于短额种团brevifrontata-group。主要特征是额内骨化带近口角部份不显著突起,第1颊栉末端尖和第3颊栉的针状突特长以及第Ⅶ—Ⅷ腹板的形状等,可与其它近缘种区分。
Palaeopsylla nushanensis sp. nov.This new species (only female is known) belonging to brevifrontata-group, is related to P. medimina Xie et Gong, 1989, but differs from the latter in the following characters: 3) the incrassation of frons below tubercle is narrower (not, especially wide) near the oral angle (fig. 3); 2) the apical portion of the first genal spines pointed, dorsal and ventral margin asymmetrical and the needle-like process of the third genal spines is longer and reaching nearly to posterior margin of occipit; 3) the medial lobe of the posterior margin of St. Ⅶ (fig, 4) is not obviously longer than dorsal and ventral lobes, whereas the medial loble of medimina is distinctly projected beyond dorsal and ventral lobes; 4) the last portion of st. Ⅷ straight, much slender than that of medimina and only with two small bristles on the tip (fig, 5).Holotype ♀, paratype ♀ ex Nasillus gracili:, collected from Mt. Nushan (27°55 N, 98°87’ E) elevation 3,300 m., Weixi County, Yunnan Province in October, 1988. Body length: 2.3mm. The type specimens are kept in the Research Institute of Epidemic Diseases of Yunnan Province.
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Siphonaptera Hystrichopsyllidae Palaeupsylla new species