油松叶小卷蛾是国内1993年发现的新种,幼虫共4龄,营隐蔽生活,蜕皮时转移危害。应用4.5%高效氯氰菊酯乳油烟雾剂,用药量5l hm2、80%敌敌畏乳油烟雾剂,用药量6.3l hm2,采用烟雾机喷烟雾施药,防治油松叶小卷蛾药效均可达90%以上。
The larvae of Epinotia ganshuensis has 4 age-classes.They make covert damage and move about attacking hosts when moulting.Control of Epinotia ganshuensis larvae of 1st and 3rd age-classes with 4.5% high effective Cypermethrin EC at the dosage of 5 l/hm2 or 80% Dichlorvos EC 6.3 l/hm2 can reach a killing effect of 90-odd percent.
Liaoning Forestry Science and Technology