笔者采用文献资料法、比较法、数理统计法等研究方法 ,在认真分析和把握美国体育院系课程改革特征的基础上 ,结合我国的实际 ,提出了运动训练专业课程体系改革的理论框架和理论依据 ,预测了专业培养目标从“单一目标”向“多元目标”过渡的必然趋势 ,突出强调了运动训练专业课程体系改革的三大要点 ,即基础课程模块强调“厚基础” ,专业课程模块突出“专业特色” ,选修课程模块强调“宽口径”。
In this paper, document, comparison and mathematical statistical findings are applied. On the basis of conscientiously analyzing and grasping the character of curriculum reform in P.E institutes in America ,the authors combine with our practice,put forward theoretical frame and theoretical basis of the reform on curriculum system of sports training speciality in China,predicts the inevitable tendency of educational goals of speciality, emphasizes three main points of the reform: deep basis is emphasized in basic curricular model, professional character is emphasized in professional curricular model, wide caliber is emphasized in optional model.
Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University