用荧光双倒数法测定了甲基橙与 β 环糊精包合物的生成常数 ,以及用紫外光谱法对包合物的TiO2光催化脱色进行了研究。结果表明 ,随 β 环糊精浓度提高 ,甲基橙与 β 环糊精包合形式可由 1∶1转变为 1∶2。包合物生成常数分别为K1∶1=7 75× 1 0 5L/mol和K1∶2 =1 86× 1 0 4 L2 /mol2 ;β 环糊精的包合使甲基橙的TiO2 光催化脱色速率随pH值先升高 ,当pH >4 5后又再降低 ,与纯甲基橙光催化脱色速率随 pH值的变化相反 ,随悬浮TiO2
The formation constants of β-cyclodextrin(β-CD) inclusion complex with methyl orange were determined by fluorescence spectroscopy and the TiO 2 photocatalytic decolorization of the complex was studied by UV-vis spectral analysis. The results showed that the inclusion complex of β-CD with methyl orange in the mole ratio of 1∶1(n(β-CD)∶n(methyl orange)) and 2∶1 depended on the β-CD concentration with formation constants K 1∶1=7.75×10 5 L/mol and K 1∶2=1.86×10 4 L 2/mol 2 respectively. The photocatalytic decolorization rate of methyl orange solutions was found to increase with addition of β-CD. The reaction rate increased at pH values of 2.0~4.5 and then decreased on increasing pH values to 12.0. The reaction rate droped with increasing oxygen concentration of the solution.
Chinese Journal of Applied Chemistry
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 2 0 1770 17)