通过对已有 50 0型拉丝机常见故障和结构原理的分析 ,从理论和使用角度找出其存在的问题 ,主要在液压控制回路和行程发信方式上进行设计改造 ,使用灵敏、可靠的电液换向阀取代冲击很大的机械式换向阀 ,同时对液压回路进行改进以保证机器便于调节 (减少冲击和振动 ) ,特别是工进时的速度可以调整 。
Finding out the existent matter on the machine of 500 machining milling roller machine from theory and use angle through the often appearance failure and elements analyze.Design and change on the hydraulic circuit and signal occur mainly.Using electromagnetic and hydraulic control valve displace machine control valve.In the meantime,the hydraulic circuit was improved for controlling easily.The working speed could be controlled in order to improve the using range and stability of working especially.
Hydraulics Pneumatics & Seals
横向课题1 50 0 31