
Studies on Immunoregulation of Cytokine of Chickens after Inoculation with Marek's Disease Vaccines

Studies on Immunoregulation of Cytokine of Chickens after Inoculation with March's Disease Vaccines
摘要 The spleenic and thymus T lymphocyte proliferaitivc reactions (TLPR) were enhanced, the intcrlcukin 2(IL-2) inductive activity was raised, and the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) inductive expression was increased significantly in chickens after inoculation with trivalcnt Marck's disease vaccine in comparison with control chickens and those after vaccination with herpcsvirus of turkey (HVT) vaccine. In chickens after inoculation with HVT vaccine, in contrast with control chickens, the splcenic TLPR was strengthened and IL-2R inductive expression was hoisted significantly, the thymus TLPR, splccnic and thymus T lymphocyte IL-2 inductive activity, the thymus T lymphocyte IL-2R inductive expression were not significantly increased. The spleenic and thymus T lymphocyte proliferaitivc reactions (TLPR) were enhanced, the intcrlcukin 2(IL-2) inductive activity was raised, and the IL-2 receptor (IL-2R) inductive expression was increased significantly in chickens after inoculation with trivalcnt Marck's disease vaccine in comparison with control chickens and those after vaccination with herpcsvirus of turkey (HVT) vaccine. In chickens after inoculation with HVT vaccine, in contrast with control chickens, the splcenic TLPR was strengthened and IL-2R inductive expression was hoisted significantly, the thymus TLPR, splccnic and thymus T lymphocyte IL-2 inductive activity, the thymus T lymphocyte IL-2R inductive expression were not significantly increased.
出处 《Journal of Northeast Agricultural University(English Edition)》 CAS 1995年第2期123-127,共5页 东北农业大学学报(英文版)
基金 The project is supported financially by National Natural Science Foundation of China
关键词 马立克病 疫苗接种 免疫调节 细胞因子 IL-2 chickens, immunoregulation, MD vaccine, cytokine
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