选用右前外侧胸部切口行二尖瓣手术 9例。全组男 2例 ,女 7例 ;年龄 11~ 4 5岁 ,平均 2 4 .6岁。其中行二尖瓣置换术8例 ,行二尖瓣成形术加室缺修补术 1例。术后无伤口感染 ,均为 1期愈合 ,全组无死亡和术后并发症。右前外侧胸部切口径路手术切口小且隐蔽 ,符合美观要求 ,创伤小 ,避免劈开胸骨 ,维护了胸廓完整性 ,有利术后恢复 ;并保留了再次心脏手术的入路。严格掌握手术指征 ,慎重选择手术对象 。
Median sternotomy is the standard approach for the operation of mitral valve, but the scar may be unsightly and can easily provoke displeasure.But the scar of the right anterolateral thoracotomy yields better visualization. From Oct.1997 to Dec.2001, we had performed 9 mitral valvular operations through a right anterlateral thoracotomy in selected cases.There were 2 males and 7 females, their ages were from 11 to 45 years. Totally 8 mitral valvular replacements and 1 mitral valvuloplasty were proformed. There were no infections of the wound, and there were no death or postoperative complications. The scar of the right anterolateral thoracotomy was limited.The approach had less trauma and minimal operative risks. Right anterolateral thoracotomy is a safe alternative approach to median sternotomy to proform mitral valvular operations in selected cases.
Academic Journal of Second Military Medical University