对近 4年由于护理差错所导致的纠纷进行分析 :护理差错所致纠纷逐年上升 ,护理工作中差错已成为护患纠纷的主要原因 ;用药差错所致纠纷最为突出 ;护理技术性因素引起差错有所上升 ;纠纷处理比较困难。护理管理对策 :①积极沟通 ,避免纠纷的发生 ;②依法办理 ,妥善处理纠纷 ;③加强教育 ,提高护士的安全意识 ;④抓好薄弱环节 ,避免用药差错 ;⑤不断更新知识 ,提高专科护理水平 ;⑥规范护理记录 。
Based on the nurse-patient disputes in the recent 4 years due to nursing mistakes, it was found that the rate of such dispute was increasing yearly, the nursing mistakes were the main causes of the disputes, especially the taking incorrect medications, the rate of the disputes due to nursing techniques was increasing, and the treatment of the disputes was difficult. The strategies to deal with the problems included dispute prevention through actively communication, prompt treatment under the law, occupational education to enhance the nurse awareness of safety, vulnerable factors focused to avoid medications taking mistakenly, further study to promote special nursing, and record standardization. Author’s address Oncologic Hospital;Nantong 226361,China
Journal of Nursing Administration