The Rehai (Hot Sea) thermal field, being the strongest geothermal manifestation in the area, lies about 13 km southwest of Tengchong County. Most of its Tertiary granitic clasolites were intensely altered by the function of the acidic-neutral fluid ascending along the fault fissures. The most abundant altered minerals are kaolinites and illite-smectite (I-S) mixed layer minerals, the next are some alunite and silica minerals (hydrothermal quartz, chalcedony and opal), and a few chabazite and analcime are found. Zoning is a distinctive feature of the altered minerals at Rehai. This paper is mainly concerned with the hydrothermal clay minerals, the physical and chemical conditions prevailing during their formation, and the cause of zoning of the alteration.
The Rehai (Hot Sea) thermal field, being the strongest geothermal manifestation in the area, lies about 13 km southwest of Tengchong County. Most of its Tertiary granitic clasolites were intensely altered by the function of the acidic-neutral fluid ascending along the fault fissures. The most abundant altered minerals are kaolinites and illite-smectite (I-S) mixed layer minerals, the next are some alunite and silica minerals (hydrothermal quartz, chalcedony and opal), and a few chabazite and analcime are found. Zoning is a distinctive feature of the altered minerals at Rehai. This paper is mainly concerned with the hydrothermal clay minerals, the physical and chemical conditions prevailing during their formation, and the cause of zoning of the alteration.