The parameterization of surface turbulent fluxes over Gobi in ar-id region is researched by using rationally-screened observational data. First-ly, characteristics of Monin-Obukhov similarity functions are analyzed andtheir empirical formulae are fitted. The results show that fitted curves of simi-larity functions of wind speed and temperature with stability parameter differlittle from the typical empirical curves and are within the ranges of scatter ofthe empirical curves, but their values in neutral condition are different to someextent. Meanwhile, average values of momentum and scalar (sensible heatand water vapor) roughness lengths as well as changes of scalar roughnesslengths with friction velocity are given out by utilizing the data. It is found thatthe mean values of scalar roughness lengths are about one order smaller thanthat of momentum roughness lengh and decrease with increase of friction ve-focity, but they are evidently larger than their theoretically forecasted values.
Science Technology and Engineering