以我国热带地区海南儋州的农场为典型样区 ,按网格方法系统调查和采集了不同利用条件下的土壤剖面和表层样品。提出了一个系统的评价方法 ,将土壤质量划分为水分有效性、养分有效性和根系适应性这三个功能 ,确定了十项符合热带地区特点的土壤质量指标 ,建立各项功能和各项指标的权重。综合参考国内外研究结果 ,结合热带地区实际状况 ,建立标准评分方程 (SSF)对各项指标进行标准化。研究根据海南儋州样区土壤质量分析数据 ,在GIS支持下 ,采用系统评价模型对样区的土壤质量进行综合评价 ,并对农场尺度土壤质量的变异进行了分析。结果表明 ,系统评价模型可以在对土壤功能进行评价的基础上综合评价土壤质量 ,在GIS支持下可以方便有效的直观反映土壤质量的状况。研究区域土壤具有较好的水分供应性能 ,能够提供根系生长的适宜环境 ,存在的主要问题在于养分供应和保持能力较弱 ,但是在合理的管理措施下 ,土壤养分能够较快增加 。
Summary Soil quality comprehensively represents the multiple fold soil functions. Soil quality assessment is an important measure of sustainable soil management. This research was conducted on a tropical farm in Danzhou, Hainan, with rubber tree and other tropical fruits as main land use types. A systematic method for evaluating soil quality was adopted in which soil quality was evaluated according to the three major soil functions, i.e., nutrient availability, moisture availability and root suitability. The weight of every soil function and individual soil quality index was suggested based upon the earlier researches and the conditions of our research area. The soil quality indicators were normalized with one of the three commonly defined standard scoring functions (SSF). Based on GIS technology, soil quality of a tropical farm was evaluated and its spatial variation was presented. The result showed that the systematic assessment method based on soil function evaluation could comprehensively evaluate the soil quality. And with the support of GIS technology, the soil quality can be directly reflected by this method. The soils in the studied area have good water availability and root suitability while poor nutrition condition. But if properly managed, the overall soil quality condition can be improved within a short period.
Acta Pedologica Sinica
国家重大基础研究发展规划项目"土壤质量演变规律与可持续利用"(G1 9990 1 1 80 9)资助