

To establish a rapid qualitative Method in Urine of LC-MS/MS to discriminate Heroin Abuser
摘要 目的:通过分析药物杂质成分建立甄别海洛因滥用者的LC-MS/MS定性方法。方法:健康志愿者24人,随机分为三个实验组,服用复方甘草片组、服用可愈糖浆组和服用添加罂粟壳作料火锅食物组,服用后分别于0.5h,1.0h,1.5h,2.0h,2.5h,3.0h,3.5h,4.0h,6….0h46.0h,48.0h留取尿液,进行LC-MS/MS分析。结果:愈创木酚甘油醚是否可以作为甄别海洛因滥用者的依据,有待进一步研究;服用复方甘草片组尿液中可检出甘草次酸,其余未检出。结论:通过尿液中甘草次酸的检测,获得了甄别海洛因滥用者与服用药物者的较为可靠的方法。 Objective To establish a method to discriminate heroin abusers by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS) for determination of drug impurities composition in human urine. Methods Twenty-four healthy volunteers were randomly divided into three groups. The first group took tablets of Compound Liquorice Tablets. The second group took 10ml Codeine and Guaifenesin Syrup only once. The third group ate normal appetite soup with pericarpium papaveris. Urines of control samples were collected before taking drugs half an hour and the test samples were collected 0.5h,1.0h,1.5h,2.0h,2.5h,3.0h,3.5h,4.0h,6.0h … 46.0h and 48.0h after taking drugs.All samples were stored at-20℃. The urine samples were thawed and 3ml was transferred into tubes and analyzed by LC-MS/MS.Result whether Guaiphenesin can identify heroin abusers as the basis,Further study was necessary;Enoxolone can be detected in urine after taking Compound Liquorice Tablets,and the rest was not detected.Conclusion This method to detect enoxolone in urine was reliable to discriminate heroin abusers and people who take medication.
出处 《甘肃警察职业学院学报》 2013年第4期45-48,共4页 Journal of GANSU Police Vocational College
关键词 法医毒物分析 尿液 海洛因 SPE LC-MS/MS methamphetamine Guaiphenesin Enoxolone Heroin abusers
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