以创新理论、区域经济学和系统论为基础 ,应用系统动力学的有关理论和方法 ,通过建立城市创新系统的动力学结构模型 ,来研究城市创新系统的原理和运行过程 ,深入剖析城市创新系统的动力机制 ,从而为城市创新战略的正确制定和有效实施提供依据。
The study of the city innovation system is not only an important part in the whole study of innovation systems, but also has particular meanings for itself. Based on the innovation theory, the regional economics and the theory of systems, with the method of 'System Dynamics', this paper mainly aims at studying the principle and the running process and further opening out the dynamical rules of the city innovation system according to establishing the 'SD' model of it, which will give a lot of guidance in making and executing city innovation strategies.
Studies in Science of Science