洞庭湖在晚冰期以来经历了多次变化过程 .晚更新世末至早全新世呈现深切河谷与零星洼地湖泊共存的河湖切割平原景观 .进入全新世暖期 ,人类活动开始在洞庭湖平原地区频繁出现 ,新石器时代皂市文化分布表明人类活动主要在洞庭湖周边地区 ;大溪文化时期人类已在平原湖区中部开始渔猎活动 ;屈家岭文化时期气候转暖 ,洪水开始泛滥 ,人类活动从洞庭湖平原中部退出 ;至龙山文化时期 ,气候干燥偏凉 ,降水减少 ,人类文化活动遗址向湖中推进 ,湖泊三角洲有所发展 ,湖面缩小 .在以后的几千年里 ,洞庭湖也同样经历了扩张与萎缩的变化 .
The Dongting Lake has experienced several change processes since last glaciation. From later Pleistocene to early Holocene, the Dongting Lake area was a plain cutting by deep channel. Then the anthropologic has been to the Dongting Lake area frequently since the globe change warmer in Neolithic time. The Zaoshi civilization shows the human activity almost in the periphery of the Dongting Lake area and the Daxi civilization indicated the advance to the center of the lake area for fishing and hunting. It was warm and flooding in the Qujialing civilization time, and human being retreat from the lake area. Since the Longshan civilization time, it was cool and precipitation reduced, and human activity moved to the center of the lake area. The lake's delta developed and lake surface decreased. Since the last thousands years, the Dongting Lake experiences the expand and shrink periods several times.
Earth Science-Journal of China University of Geosciences
中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 (No .KZCX3-SW -331
KZCX2 -SW -110 )
中国地质大学博士后流动站基金项目 .