
bcl-xs基因对卵巢癌的作用及其凋亡机制的研究 被引量:1

Therapeutic Effects and Apoptosis Mechanism of bcl-xs Gene to the Human Ovarian Carcinoma
摘要 目的 :研究重组腺病毒bcl xs基因 (adv bcl xs)对卵巢癌细胞及其裸鼠移植腹水瘤的生长抑制作用和荷瘤裸鼠生存率的影响 ,同时探讨bcl xs基因对于卵巢癌的作用机制。方法 :采用扩增后的adv bcl xs感染卵巢癌细胞NUTU 19,观察对NUTU 19细胞的生长抑制作用并检测其病毒滴度 ,再将adv bcl xs导入人卵巢癌裸鼠移植腹水肿瘤 ,观察对腹水的生长抑制作用 ,计算裸鼠荷瘤生存时间 ,免疫细胞化学染色测定bcl xs基因表达情况。终末脱氧核苷酸转移酶介导的dUTP缺口末端标记法 (TUNEL法 )计数凋亡细胞检测肿瘤细胞凋亡情况。结果 :adv bcl xs对NUTU 19有抑制和杀伤作用。在NUTU 19细胞和裸鼠体内过度表达 ,使裸鼠腹水形成时间和荷瘤裸鼠平均生存时间延长 ,有统计学意义。在NUTU 19细胞和裸鼠卵巢癌移植腹水肿瘤细胞中检测到凋亡细胞。结论 :adv bcl xs对卵巢癌细胞有抑制作用 。 Objective: To investigate the effects and mechanism of adenovirus bcl xs gene on the inhibition of ascites tumor cells and survival rate of nude mice transplanted intraperitoneally with human ovarian carcinoma. Methods: By using of a reproduced adenovirus bcl xs gene infected in NUTU 19 cells, we transfered it intraperitoneally to ascites tumor model of human ovarian carcinoma transplanted in nude mice, detected the ascites formation, the survival time and survival rate of nude mice with the human ascites tumor. The weight and toxic adverse systemically effects of nude mice were observed and the gene expression was detected by immunocellchemistry. The apoptotic cells were quantitatively determined by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL). Results:The adenovirus bcl xs gene had inhibitory potential on NUTU 19 cells. bcl xs protein was expressed and apoptotic cells were observed. The survival time of nude mice was longer and the survival rate was higher, and the time of ascites formation was retarted. Conclusions: The results suggested that the transfer of adenovirus bcl xs gene to the ascites tumour of nude mice with human ovarian carcinoma could improve the survival rate of nude mice and retard the time of ascites formation. It may be a useful method of gene therapy in the treatment of ovarian carcinoma.
出处 《中国肿瘤生物治疗杂志》 CAS CSCD 2003年第1期51-53,共3页 Chinese Journal of Cancer Biotherapy
基金 青岛大学自然科学资助基金 (2 0 0 12 4)
关键词 腺病毒bcl-xs基因 人卵巢癌 裸鼠移植 腹水瘤 基因治疗 细胞凋亡 adenovirus bcl xs gene human ovarian carcinoma nude mice model ascites tumor gene therapy cell apoptosis
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