在测量与仪表技术领域 ,欧洲新型总线结构 -仪表总线 (M -BUS)在远程自动抄表系统中的应用日益广泛 ,它的应用将简化系统设计、提高性能价格比和运行可靠性。概述了仪表总线的OSI模型及其通讯协议 ,分析了总线上BIT流以电压、电流两种调制方式传输时的机制 ,给出主机、从机总线接口电路设计原则和思路 ,介绍了仪表总线在实际应用时 。
In the field of measurement and instrumentation,Europe new structure bus,viz.Meter bus (M-BUS) coming forth,there are more and more applioation in remote automation meter reading system.Beoause its application leads to Simplify the system design,improves the ratio of price and performance and increases the running reliability.Summartzes the OSI model of M-BUS and its communication protocol.At the same time it analyzes transmission mechanism of the bit stream modulated by current modulator and voltage modulator on Meter-BUS.Give out design rules and thinking of bus interface circuit for master and slave in this paper.Introduces some notice questions espeoially in the application for power supply mode protective project of bus and the application of different net structure.
Instrument Technique and Sensor