目的 探讨自发持续高血糖动物模型雄性OLETF(otsukalong evanstokushimafatty)大鼠的胰岛素抵抗状态以及各相关因素。方法 选择 14周OLETF大鼠 10只 ,LETO大鼠 10只作为对照。记录 2 4h大鼠进食量。在禁食 10~ 14h后 ,测定大鼠的体重 ,采血测定空腹血脂谱 ,行口服葡萄糖耐量试验 (OGTT)。大鼠处死后 ,测定腹内脂肪 ,取大鼠股四头肌测定脂肪酸谱。留尿 ,测定尿酮兰蛋白 (U CP)、尿白蛋白 (U Alb)和肌酐(Cr) ,计算U CP/Cr和U Alb/Cr。采用正常血糖高胰岛素钳夹技术 ,评价其胰岛素抵抗状态。结果 ①OLETF大鼠进食量明显高于LETO大鼠 ;②OLEFT大鼠体重明显高于LETO大鼠 ,腹内脂肪、大网膜脂肪和肾周脂肪也高于LETO大鼠 ;③OLETF大鼠三酰甘油、胆固醇均高于LETO大鼠 ;④OLETF大鼠U CP/Cr高于LETO大鼠 ;⑤除空腹血糖外 ,OLETF大鼠葡萄糖负荷后各点血糖均较高 ;⑥OLETF大鼠的葡萄糖输注率 (GIR)明显降低 ;⑦OLETF大鼠和LETO大鼠的多不饱和脂肪酸 (PUFA)相似 ,但OLETF大鼠以n 6PUFA含量较高 ,而LETO大鼠以n 3PUFA含量较高。结论 14周的OLETF大鼠已存在胰岛素抵抗 ,体重和腹内脂肪重量增加 ,同时存在三酰甘油和胆固醇的增高及肌肉组织磷脂中n 6PUFA/n 3PUFA含量的改变。
Objective To investigate the insulin resistance status in male OLETF rats and its relationship to some associated factors. Methods 10 male OLETF rats and 10 male LETO rats (as control) of 14 weeks old were selected. The amount of daily food intake, body weight, and visceral fat content were recorded. Urine was collected for measuring Alb/Cr and Cp/Cr indexes, and fasting blood sample for lipid profile. Skeletal muscle was fetched after sacrificed for the analysis of fatty acid composition. Hyperinsulinemia clamp was used to evaluate the insulin resistant status of the rats.Results Compared with LOET rats, the characteristics of OLETF rats were: ①more daily food intake; ② higher body weight; ③ higher serum TG and CH levels; ④ higher Cp/Cr index; ⑤ higher blood glucose le vels in OGTT except fasting ones; ⑥ lower GIR; ⑦ higher n 6 PUFA and lower n 3 PUFA, with similar total PUFA composition.Conclusion Despite of NGT, insulin resistance had already existed in 14 weeks old male OLETF rats simultaneously manifesting higher body weight, high visceral fat deposition and elevated TG. CH levels associaled with significant change of fatty acid composition in the skeletal musle
Shanghai Medical Journal