本文通过国内外铜资源状况对比,认为我国矿山滞后是铜工业发展的薄弱环节,而世界陆地铜储 量充足,保证年限长,未来矿山可建生产能力充裕,生产成本低廉,因此我国铜工业发展应树立充分利用国外 资源的长远战略方针。
With comparison between domestic and foreign copper resources, it is obvious that Chinas copper mining is the weakest link in a chain of development of domestic copper industry. Viewing that copper resources in foreign countries are abundant to assure their long - term demand of copper raw material and that some foreign mines are still possessed of surplus annual capacities with relatively low mining cost, a long - term strategical policy of fully utilization of world oversea copper resources should be formulated and emphasized for development of Chinas copper industry.
World Nonferrous Metals