为了解微气候生境下高寒草甸土壤纤毛虫群落变化特征,于2015年9和12月,在甘南高寒草甸沿不同坡向采取土样,研究土壤纤毛虫群落与环境因子的关系.结果表明,秋季鉴定出土壤纤毛虫9纲17目32科48属105种,冬季9纲17目32科42属78种;旋毛纲为优势类群;优势种为膨胀肾形虫;土壤纤毛虫的垂直分布具有表聚性;不同坡向中土壤纤毛虫群落的复杂程度最高的是西坡,其次是南坡,北坡土壤纤毛虫群落的均匀度指数最高,优势度指数最低,说明土壤纤毛虫群落可以很好地响应坡向的变化;秋季土壤纤毛虫群落较冬季更复杂,表明秋季的生境比冬季更适宜土壤纤毛虫生存.冗余分析表明,不同土壤纤毛虫对各环境因子的敏感程度不同.速效氮与管叶科土壤纤毛虫分布显著正相关,全磷与前管虫科纤毛虫显著正相关,速效磷则与瞬目科和斜吻虫科纤毛虫显著正相关;秋季与土壤pH正相关的土壤纤毛虫有22科,与速效氮正相关的有20科. pH和速效氮是影响秋季甘南土壤纤毛虫分布的重要环境因子.
In order to understand the characteristics of soil ciliates along a micro-climate habitat in September and December 2015 in an alpine meadow,characteristics and environmental factors of a soil ciliate community were investigated along the slope gradient in a Gannan alpine meadow.Soil ciliates were cultured by the'non-submerged culture method'and the redundancy analysis was used to study the relationship between soil ciliates community and environmental factors.The results showed that 105 species of soil ciliates were identified in the autumn,belonging to 9 families,17 orders,32 families and 48 genera.78 species of soil ciliates were identified in winter,belonging to 9 classes,17 orders,32 families and42 genera.Spirotrichea was the dominant group,Litostomatea the sub-dominant group and Colpoda inflata was the dominant species.The vertical distribution of soil ciliates showed polygamorphism.The highest complexity of soil ciliates in different aspects was the west slope,followed by the south slope.The soil ciliate community in the north slope had the highest Pieluo index and the lowest Simpson index.Soil ciliates community in autumn was more complicated than winter.Redundancy analysis showed that therewas a significant positive correlation between available nitrogen and Trachelophyllidae,and total phosphorus was positively correlated with Prorodontidae,while available phosphorus was significantly positively correlated with Glaucomidae and Enchelyidae ciliates.There were 22 families of soil ciliates positively correlated with soil pH in autumn and 20 families positively correlated with available nitrogen.Soil ciliates community could respond well to changes in the slope,and autumn was more suitable than winter for soil ciliate survival and reproduction.Different soil ciliates manifested different sensitivity to various environmental factors.Available nitrogen and pH were important environmental factors affecting the distribution of soil ciliates in autumn in Gannan.
Liu Min-xia;Zhang Can;Li Rui;Zhao Rui-dong;Shao Peng(College of Geographic and Environmental Sciences,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China)
Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Sciences)