
Comparison of Extraction Methods for Total Alkaloids from Abrus Cantoniensis Hance

Comparison of Extraction Methods for Total Alkaloids from Abrus Cantoniensis Hance
摘要 [Objectives] To compare different extraction methods for total alkaloids from Abrus Cantoniensis Hance taking chloroform as solvent. [Methods] The ethanol extraction method,ultrasonic extraction method,acid water extraction method,and Soxhlet extraction method were used to extract total alkaloids,and the total alkaloids of Abrus Cantoniensis Hance were measured at 238 nm wavelength. [Results] The extraction rate of ethanol extraction method was 14. 76 mg/100 g; the extraction rate of ultrasonic extraction method was 56. 85 mg/100 g; the extraction rate of acid water extraction method was 56. 63 mg/100 g; the extraction rate of Soxhlet extraction method was 58. 19 mg/100 g.[Conclusions]Results indicate that Soxhlet extraction method can obtain the highest extraction rate. [Objectives] To compare different extraction methods for total alkaloids from Abrus Cantoniensis Hance taking chloroform as solvent. [Methods] The ethanol extraction method,ultrasonic extraction method,acid water extraction method,and Soxhlet extraction method were used to extract total alkaloids,and the total alkaloids of Abrus Cantoniensis Hance were measured at 238 nm wavelength. [Results] The extraction rate of ethanol extraction method was 14. 76 mg/100 g; the extraction rate of ultrasonic extraction method was 56. 85 mg/100 g; the extraction rate of acid water extraction method was 56. 63 mg/100 g; the extraction rate of Soxhlet extraction method was 58. 19 mg/100 g.[Conclusions]Results indicate that Soxhlet extraction method can obtain the highest extraction rate.
出处 《Medicinal Plant》 2017年第2期19-21,共3页 药用植物:英文版
基金 Supported by the 12th Five-Year TCM Key Discipline Chinese Medicine Chemistry Construction Program of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine,China(Guo Zhong Yi Yao Ren Jiao Fa[2012]32) Natural Science Foundation Project of Guangxi(2013GXNSFAA019240) Key Discipline Chinese Medicine Chemistry Construction Program of Guangxi,China(Gui Jiao Ke Yan[2013]16) Student’s Platform for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program of Guangxi in 2015(201510599037) Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ethnical Medicine Teaching Team Program of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China(Gui Jiao Gao Jiao[2015]93 & Gui Jiao Gao Jiao[2016]6)
关键词 TOTAL ALKALOIDS Abrus Cantoniensis Hance EXTRACTION METHODS COMPARISON Total alkaloids Abrus Cantoniensis Hance Extraction methods Comparison
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