
An Ideal Raw-radish Therapy for Allergic Rhinitis

An Ideal Raw-radish Therapy for Allergic Rhinitis
摘要 [Objectives] To explore a kind of simple and effective dietotherapy for allergic rhinitis( AR). [Methods]48 patients with AR were hospitalized and randomly assigned to raw-radish treatment group( 36 patients) or placebo group( 12 patients). Every patient took about 150 g raw radish( experimental group) or cooked radish( placebo group) one time or separately a day. [Results]By continuously taking raw radish for fifteen days,the total cure rate reached 80. 6% and total valid rate reached 94. 4%,with the valid rate 100% for persistent AR and 66. 7% for intermittent AR. But cooked radish( placebo) was invalid to AR. Presumably the wonder efficacy of raw radish may be related with isothiocyanates in radish. Since isothiocyanates are susceptible to hydrolysis by cooking,so radish must be eaten raw. [Conclusions] Raw radish therapy works wonders for AR,which may be more effective,safer,cheaper and simpler method for prevention and treatment of AR at present. [Objectives] To explore a kind of simple and effective dietotherapy for allergic rhinitis( AR). [Methods]48 patients with AR were hospitalized and randomly assigned to raw-radish treatment group( 36 patients) or placebo group( 12 patients). Every patient took about 150 g raw radish( experimental group) or cooked radish( placebo group) one time or separately a day. [Results]By continuously taking raw radish for fifteen days,the total cure rate reached 80. 6% and total valid rate reached 94. 4%,with the valid rate 100% for persistent AR and 66. 7% for intermittent AR. But cooked radish( placebo) was invalid to AR. Presumably the wonder efficacy of raw radish may be related with isothiocyanates in radish. Since isothiocyanates are susceptible to hydrolysis by cooking,so radish must be eaten raw. [Conclusions] Raw radish therapy works wonders for AR,which may be more effective,safer,cheaper and simpler method for prevention and treatment of AR at present.
作者 Nianwei QIU
出处 《Medicinal Plant》 2017年第4期72-74,共3页 药用植物:英文版
基金 Supported by Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province(ZR-2015DL009) Postgraduate Education Innovation Project of Shandong Province(SDYY16087) China's Post-doctoral Science Fund(2016M592158)
关键词 Allergic rhinitis RAW RADISH DIETOTHERAPY ISOTHIOCYANATES ANTIALLERGIC properties Allergic rhinitis Raw radish Dietotherapy Isothiocyanates Antiallergic properties
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