This paper introduces the current situation of China power industry and interconnection, the necessity to develop interconnection, the principle of nationwide interconnection and the key technologies to be studiedinclude HVDC and FACTS. The paper also discusses thefeasibility of 750 kV to be used in the northwest.regionand to speed up research and development of nighervoltage level in other regions of China, as well as scl-ence and technical innovation for transmission and dis-tribution projects.
简要回顾了中国电力工业及互联电网发展的现状;论述了中国互联电网发展的客观需要和历史必然性;介绍了中国互联电网发展的思路、格局和主要实施的工程项目;指出了中国互联电网发展中直流输电技术和灵活交流输电(FACTS)技术中需要解决的主要问题;分析了西北地区采用750 kV电压等级的优越性和在其它地区选取500 kV以上高一级电压等级的积极作用;给出了中国互联电网发展中的主要联网方式并提出了未来输变电工程建设中需要采用的先进设备和技术。