On the assumption that the Cauchy problem for incomplete second order abstract differential equation (u″(t)=Au(t), -∞ <t <∞) is well posed and the Cauchy problem for complete second order abstract differential equation ( u″(t)+A 1u′(t)+A 0u(t)=0, t≥0 ) is strongly well posed, the necessary conditions for their solutions to be pseudo almost periodic are derived.
On the assumption that the Cauchy problem for incomplete second order abstract differential equation (u″(t)=Au(t), -∞ <t <∞) is well posed and the Cauchy problem for complete second order abstract differential equation ( u″(t)+A 1u′(t)+A 0u(t)=0, t≥0 ) is strongly well posed, the necessary conditions for their solutions to be pseudo almost periodic are derived.
SupportedbySpecializedResearchFundforDoctoralProgramofHigherEducation (No .2 0 0 1 0 61 30 0 0 1 )