简短报道了 2 0 0 0年和 2 0 0 2年采自内蒙古高特格上新统的一批哺乳动物化石。这些材料包括小型和大、中型哺乳动物 ,计有 7目 2 2科 41属 46种。在群体的结构上 ,这一哺乳动物群与最晚中新世二登图动物群、早上新世比例克和高庄动物群接近 ,但其时代比二登图和比例克动物群都晚 ,而可能比高庄动物群的上部稍早。高特格动物群似乎代表中国新近纪哺乳动物群序列中的一个新成员 ,时代应为早上新世晚期 ,或中国哺乳动物年代的榆社期早期 ,大体与欧洲陆相哺乳动物时代的早露西尼晚期或MN1 5a的时代相当。动物群的组合指示了一个以温带草原为主 ,局部地方有灌木丛林和水体的生态环境 ,与二登图和比例克动物群的情况相似。从晚中新世二登图动物群到早上新世高特格动物群的演替表明 ,内蒙古中部地区在这一时期的环境似乎渐趋干旱和草原化。
This paper briefly reports a new Pliocene mammalian assemblage collected from Gaotege incentral Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia), China in 2000 and 2002. The Gaotege association consists of 46taxa referred to 41 genera, 22 families and 7 orders, including small to large sized mammals. The faunashows close resemblance to those of the Ertemte Fauna of latest Miocene, and the Bilike and Gaozhuangfaunas of early Pliocene. However, certain faunal components suggest that it is younger than the Ertemteand Bilike faunas, but somewhat older than the Gaozhuang assemblage of the upper part. It seems likelythat the Gaotege association represents a new fauna in the Chinese Neogene mammal sequence, with anage of late early Pliocene (early Yushean, correlated, in European terms, with early Ruscinian orequivalent to MN15a). The Gaotege Fauna reflects a predominantly temperate steppe habitat, with localshrub and freshwater bodies, similar to the Ertemte and Bilike faunas. Faunal changes from Ertemte toGaotege seem to reflect an environment gradually changing to drier and more grassland conditions.
Vertebrata Palasiatica
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (编号 :G2 0 0 0 7770 0 0 )
杰出青年基金项目 (编号 :4 0 1 2 80 0 4 )
中科院院长基金项目 (编号 :991 2 )
纽约长岛大学和美国国家地理学会 (编号 :5 5 2 7-95 )资助。