对金叶红瑞木的光合生理特性进行研究,结果表明:(1)金叶红瑞木的光饱和点为1536.66μmol·m-2·s-1,光补偿点为38.44μmol·m-2·s-1,光补偿点较高,光饱和点也高,且表观量子效率较低(0.0314),属于不耐阴的阳性树种;(2)金叶红瑞木在晴朗的夏天,叶片的净光合速率日变化呈双峰曲线型;(3)影响净光合速率最显著的因子是光合有效辐射(PAR)和气温(Ta),其次为叶面水气压亏缺(Vpd L)。(4)影响光能利用率最显著的因子是光合有效辐射和气温,其次为叶面水气压亏缺。金叶红瑞木适合种植于光照充足的环境。夏季为了提高金叶红瑞木的净光合速率和光能利用率应适当增加光合有效辐射和环境温度,但是在炎热干燥的正午期间为缓解"午休"现象应注意降温、保湿,如采取叶面喷雾的措施以降低小环境的温度。
In this paper, the photosynthetic physiological characteristics of Swide alba Opiz ‘Aurea' was studied. The results indicated that the species had a higher light saturation point of 1536.66 μmol·m-2·s-1, a higher light compensation point of 38.44 μmol·m-2·s-1 and a lower apparent quanta efficiency of 0.0314, belonging to heliophile and intolerant to shade. The diurnal variation of photosynthetic rate of Swide alba Opiz ‘Aurea' was bimodality in summer. The main factors influencing net photosynthetic rates of Swide alba Opiz ‘Aurea' were PAR and Ta,and then Vpd L. The main factors influencing the light en ergy utilization of Swide alba Opiz ‘Aurea' were PAR and Ta, and then Vpd L. Swide alba Opiz ‘Aurea' was suitable to be planted under full sun light. In order to improve the light en ergy utilization, the light intensity and air temperature should be increased in summer. However, in order to reduce midday depression during hot and dry midday,the air temperature should be reduced and the air relative humidity should be preserved like foliar spraying.
Swide alba Opiz ‘Aurea'
net photosynthetic rate
photosynthetic physiological character
light energy utilization